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for Use

Using RTD™ - The Versatile Dressing
For A Variety of Wound Types


RTD™ Wound Dressing is made of polyurethane/ polyether foam, Methylene Blue (up to 0.25 mg/g), Gentian Violet (up to 0.25 mg/g), and Silver (up to 7 mg/g).



The RTD™ Wound Care Dressing is for use with adults only and for the management of partial to full thickness wounds with light to heavy exudate, and has demonstrated effectiveness for pressure ulcers, venous stasis ulcers and diabetic foot ulcers.



  1. Measure and cut RTD™ wound dressing to the size of the wound. RTD™ wound dressing can be rolled or packed into the wound.

  2. Apply RTD™ wound dressing in direct contact with the wound bed. Direct application is necessary to obtain the best results.

  3. Cover with a non-occlusive secondary dressing of choice. Leave in place for up to 3-days.



RTD™ Wound Care Dressings are not indicated for burns; pregnant or breast-feeding women; or children.




In the event of clinical infection, RTD™ Wound Dressing is not intended to replace systemic therapy or the appropriate course of treatment for infections.

When choosing a wound dressing, clinicians should consider any potential adverse effects for any patient.

-Stop using straight away if an allergic reaction is suspected. 


CAUTION: POM. Keep out of reach of children. This device may only be sold by or on the order of a registered physician. 




Wound Preparation

Before applying the RTD™ Wound Dressing, clean the wound with an appropriate cleaning agent in accordance with woundcare guidelines. 

Standard precautions should be used to prevent the spread of infectious agents when dressing wounds.


Securing RTDWound Dressing In Place

Use gauze, Kerlix™, Omnifix™, Mefix™, or other non-occlusive adhesives or medical grade tape.



For best results, the RTD Wound Dressing should be in direct contact with the wound bed and fit to the edges of the wound.

For moderate to heavy exuding wounds the 1/4" (6.35mm) thickness is recommended.

For light exuding and/or superficial wounds, the 1/8" (3.18mm) thickness is recommended.


Leave the RTD Wound Dressing in place for three days or remove if saturated.

If the dressing becomes saturated before the desired dressing change, a second dressing may be placed on top for continued absorption. 

If RTD™ is difficult to remove, soak with saline or sterile water.

A non-adherent layer is recommended to prevent sticking or in-growth at the later stages of wound healing.

For use at home, the RTD™ Wound Dressing should only be used under the direct supervision of a wound care professional.

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